Withdrawal, Drop, Refund Policy

Official Withdrawal Requirements and Procedures

For financial aid purposes, when a student officially withdraws from ALL classes, before 60% of the term has elapsed, the campus Financial Aid Office will calculate how much of a student’s title IV financial aid must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education.

If a student has withdrawn due to being called to non-training active military duty, the student should provide documentation to the campus Dean of Student Services.

Deadline For Dropping A Class And Receiving A Grade Of “W”

The deadline for dropping a standard 16-week class and receiving a grade of “W” is the 75% point from the first day of the term. Student-initiated drops which occur between the 7.51% of the time elapsed since the first day of the class and prior to the drop deadline will receive a grade of “W.” Students may request a drop (awarding of a grade of “W”) after the drop deadline for dropping classes, only if extenuating circumstances exist. Personal problems such as illness, job change or a move out of town may be considered by individual instructors and approved by the Division Dean.

Dropping a Course (Student-Initiated)

Students may initiate a drop from a class(es) prior to the deadline for dropping classes.

To drop a class(es), a student must

  1. Drop the class online using Self-Service on The Hub. In Self-Service, go to “Student Planning,” then “Go to Plan & Schedule.” Select “Drop,” then “Update.” Be sure to print or save a confirmation of your drop.
  2. Submit an “Official Drop/Add Form For Credit Classes” available on the Registration webpage or at the Registration and Records Office located in the Student Services Office.

Failure to attend classes does not constitute a drop.

Students must submit an official drop form prior to the drop or refund deadline to be eligible for a tuition and student services fee refund. Failure to attend classes does not absolve the student from being financially responsible for tuition and fees associated with the student’s registration. Students can obtain a drop form from any Registration office or on the Registration webpage.

NOTE: Students who have failed a class due to academic integrity or other disciplinary reasons are not eligible to drop or withdraw.

Important Deadline Dates
The date on which 7.5% of time has elapsed since the first day of the class will be

  1. The last date a student is allowed to register for a class for that term.
  2. The last date a student can drop a class to get a refund of tuition and student services fee for that term.
  3. The date that all instructors are required to report students who have never attended class (“No Show” Students).

“No Show” Students

  1. Under federal rules, the College cannot pay financial aid to students who never attend class. Financial aid will not be distributed to students who have been reported as never having attended class (“No Show” students).
  2. “No Show” students will be billed and held responsible for payment of tuition and fees for classes they do not drop within the designated refund period.
  3. “No Show” students will be removed from the class rosters and no grade will appear on a student’s transcript.

Refund Policy for Institutional Tuition

Federal regulations require that an institution’s refund/repayment policy be available to all students. The following information is provided in compliance with federal regulation.

The amount of time the student attends as a percent of the total course length will be the method of the computation.

The DROP DATE will be the date the student drops the course online by utilizing SELF-SERVICE For Students or provides the College’s Registration and Records Office with an “OFFICIAL DROP/ADD FORM FOR CREDIT CLASSES.”

Failure of the student to attend a class does not constitute an official drop/withdrawal.

A student’s failure to attend classes does not dismiss a student’s responsibility to pay unpaid account balances owed to the College on courses not officially dropped.

Forms titled “OFFICIAL DROP/ADD FORM FOR CREDIT CLASSES” are available at the campus Registration and Records Office.

The College will apply any eligible financial aid transmitted to the student’s account toward tuition, fees and applicable charges incurred by the student.

If a balance owed remains, it is the responsibility of the student to pay this balance before they would be allowed to register for future courses at SCC.

A student is entitled to a refund computed on the following formula and tables:

(Drop Date) - (Course Start Date) / (Course End Date) - (Course Start Date) = % Elapsed

%Elapsed % of Refund %Elapsed % of Refund
Credit Class Table   Non-Credit Class Table  
0.0000-7.5 100 day before 100
7.51 and over 0 start day or after 0

Refunds for Classes

Calendar Days/Automatic Computer Calculations

Calendar Days: All days are included in the computation of calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and weekdays.

Automatic Computer Calculations: Percent of time elapsed is automatically calculated by the College computer system and based on calendar days from the first day of class.

Last Date To Drop A Credit Class And Receive A Tuition Refund

The student is entitled to a 100% refund for any credit class officially dropped prior to 7.5% of the time elapsed since the first day of the start of class, including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and weekdays.

“NO” refund is allowed after 7.5% of time has elapsed since the first day of the start of class, including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and weekdays. A student’s transcript will not show any registration data if the student drops prior to 7.5% of the time elapsed since the first day of the start of class, including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and weekdays.

Refunds are not automatic. To obtain a refund or adjustment on your account, you must drop the class online using Self-Service for Students or submit an “Official Drop/Add Form For Credit Classes” prior to the deadline for dropping and receiving a refund. Refunds will not be granted after these deadlines.

Refunds for classes cancelled by the College are automatically processed and students are not required to submit a drop form.

Electronic Refunds

Electronic payment of refunds is the FASTEST, safest and most convenient method for students to receive refunds.

Students can sign up for an electronic payment option.

The College recommends that students sign up to have refunds transferred electronically to their existing bank account. If a student does not currently have a bank account, the College has made arrangements with Union Bank and Trust Company of Lincoln for the student to open a Simply Free Checking account or a Union Bank Savings account. The student may start the process of opening a Union Bank account through the electronic payment option or they may stop at any Union Bank branch office to open an account.

If a student does not sign up for electronic payment of refunds, a check will be processed at the same time that funds are electronically transferred to other students. Depending upon the day of the week, holidays, and the speed of mail delivery, paper checks may take up to 10 days or more to reach the student. Checks will be processed off site and will not be available for pickup by students. Paper checks will be mailed to the student’s current address on file with SCC.

If you are having your check deposited electronically, please check your bank account online, if your bank provides online access, to verify when your refund was deposited.

If you are receiving your refund by paper check, please wait a week after paper checks are mailed before inquiring about your refund.

Return of Federal Title IV Refund Information

A recipient of federal Title IV financial aid who withdraws and/or fails all courses during a payment period or period of enrollment in which the student began attendance will have the amount of federal Title IV funds he/she did not earn calculated according to federal regulations. This calculation will be based on the student’s last date of attendance.

The period of time in which federal Title IV financial aid is earned for a payment period or period of enrollment is the number of calendar days the student has been enrolled for the payment period or period of enrollment up to the student’s last date of attendance, divided by the total number of calendar days in the payment period or period of enrollment.

The percentage is multiplied by the amount of federal Title IV financial aid for the payment period or period of enrollment for which federal Title IV financial aid was awarded to determine the amount of federal Title IV financial aid earned. The amount of federal Title IV financial aid that has not been earned for the payment period or period of enrollment and must be returned is the complement of the amount earned.

The amount of federal Title IV financial aid earned and the amount of federal Title IV financial aid not earned will be calculated based on the amount of federal Title IV financial aid that was disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment upon which the calculation was based.

A student will have earned 100 percent of the federal Title IV financial aid disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment if the student last attended after completing 60 percent of the payment period or period of enrollment.

Non-credit Class Refund

The student is entitled to a 100% refund for any non-credit class officially dropped prior to the start date of the class unless noted in the course description notes. No refund is allowed if the class is dropped on or after the start date of the class.

Refunds go back to the credit card that was used during enrollment or a check is mailed to the student’s address on file if payment was done by e-check.

SCC reserves the right to cancel any non‑credit classes that do not have sufficient enrollment. A full refund will be processed and you are not required to submit a drop form.

Failure to attend classes does not constitute a drop or withdrawal. “No Show” students will be billed and held responsible for full payment of the tuition and fees for the classes they are registered for because the “no show” student did not drop the class online using Web Advisor or with an “Official Drop/Add Form for Classes” within the designated refund period.