We offer a variety of academic opportunities outside the classroom which enhances your overall learning experience at Southeast Community College. Two of these opportunities include a Cooperative Experience and Internship Education.
A Cooperative Experience (Co-op) and Internship Education are both structured educational strategies integrating classroom studies with learning through productive work experiences matching your academic or career goals. Both experiences are a partnership between you, the College and the employer and will help you make a seamless transition from student to valued employee.
The difference between a Cooperative Experience and an Internship are:
- Students in SCC’s Cooperative Experience program are paid during their employment.
- Students in SCC’s Internship Education program work with their employer and Internship Education Coordinator to establish your goals and objectives. You will register for the Internship Education course and earn college credit for your experience. Internship experiences are non-paid employment.
For the employer:
- Provide the student with training, supervision and work experiences related to career or academic goals.
- Help the student achieve his/her learning objectives with work experiences that include an appropriate learning environment and productive work.
- Evaluate the student’s performance at designated time(s).
- Notify SCC of any changes made or needed in the Cooperative Experience and Internship Education experience training agreement.
For the student:
- Adhere to the policies of the employer, just as any other employee.
- Competently perform assigned work and complete agreed-upon objectives.
- Complete all necessary records for Cooperative Experience and Internship Education files.
For the College:
- Recognize Cooperative Experience and Internship Education as an educational strategy integrating classroom learning and progressive work experiences, with a constructive academic relationship between teaching faculty and internship faculty or administrators.
- Develop a structure for multiple work experiences in a formalized sequence, with study leading to degree completion of a Program of Study.
- Formally recognize the cooperative or internship experience on student records (e.g. grade, credit hours, part of degree requirement, notation on transcript, etc.).
- Provide pre-employment preparation for students, as well as ongoing advising.
- Maintain contact with the employer and the Cooperative Experience or Internship Education student during the term to ensure a successful experience.
These programs have excellent benefits to the employer, the student and the College. To that end, the Cooperative Experience and Internship Education are designed to develop or enhance a set of outcomes.
For the employer:
- Utilize well-prepared short-term employees while cutting recruiting and training costs.
- Provide real-world work experiences to students who are serious about learning and working and who have accumulated knowledge and classroom experience.
- Provide an opportunity to hire the student upon graduation.
- Enhance the partnership with SCC.
- Provide input on the quality and relevance of SCC’s curriculum.
For the student:
- Increase confidence and positive self-image through a worthwhile on-the-job experience.
- Increased opportunity for employment after graduation.
- Understand the relationship between classroom theory and workplace practice.
- Fulfill the “experience required” stipulation associated with many job openings.
- Gain new or advanced skills.
- Develop a professional network.
- Help clarify career goals.
- Enhance interpersonal skills.
- Income to assist with college expenses or to support personal financial responsibilities (co-op) or
- Earn college credit (internship).
For the College:
- Help in the recruitment of new students.
- Help retain current students.
- Provide wider range of learning opportunities for students.
- Enrich the program’s curriculum.
- Enhance its reputation in the employment community.
- Improve the job placement rate of graduates.
- Enrich partnerships with business and industry.
Agriculture Management & Production
Jessica Young – Beatrice; 402-228-8220
Travis Pralle – Beatrice; 402-228-8254
Kim Day - Beatrice; 402-228-8141 ext. 1141
Linda Hartman – Lincoln; 402-437-2433
Abby Hoch – Lincoln; 402-437-2524
Design & Drafting Technology
Dave Zachek – Lincoln; 402-437-2651
Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment Technology
Chuck Hansen – Milford; 402-761-8301
Diesel-Ag Equipment Service Technology
Karl Eickhoff – Milford; 402-761-8309
Diesel Technology - Truck
Karl Eickhoff – Milford; 402-761-8309
Early Childhood Education
Crystal Kozak – Lincoln; 402-437-2455
Ford (ASSET)
Mark Berggren – Milford; 402-761-8311
General Motors (ASEP)
Dustin Smith – Milford; 402-761-8347
Geographic Information Systems Technician
David Zachek – Lincoln; 402-437-2651
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology
Mike Roth - Milford; 402-761-8263
John Deere Technology
Spencer Frazier - Milford; 402-761-8298
Powersports Technology
Office Professional
Tracie Klosterman – Lincoln; 402-437-2426
Welding Technology
Mark Hawkins - Lincoln; 402-437-2694
Shannon Hansen – Lincoln; 402-437-2665
Academic Transfer - Global Studies
Nicole Trevena Flores, Lincoln, 402-437-2886
Academic Transfer - Political Science
Nikki Isemann - Lincoln; 402-437-2674
Academic Transfer - Psychology
Nicole Trevena Flores, Lincoln, 402-437-2886
Academic Transfer - Sociology
Nicole Trevena Flores, Lincoln, 402-437-2886
Kim Day - Beatrice; 402-228-8141 ext. 1141
Linda Hartman – Lincoln; 402-437-2433
Criminal Justice
Rita Dondlinger – ESQ; 402-323-3459
Abby Hoch – Lincoln; 402-437-2524
Early Childhood Education
Crystal Kozak – Lincoln; 402-437-2455
Energy Generation Operations
David Madcharo – Milford; 402-761-8464
Graphic Design | Media Arts
Jim Wolf; 402-323-3481
Geographic Information Systems Technician
David Zachek - Lincoln; 402-437-2651
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology
Mike Roth - Milford; 402-761-8262
Office Professional
Tracie Klosterman – Lincoln; 402-437-2426
Jill Sand – Lincoln 402-437-2729